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Faculty Mentors

Research (Thesis) Mentors – The trainee’s thesis or laboratory advisor also serves as the Basic Science Mentor for the Vanderbilt Program in Molecular Medicine. In addition to supervision of the trainee’s progress on his or her thesis project, the Basic Science Mentor assists with the integration of the trainee’s basic science and clinical research goals. The Basic Science Mentor also attends, whenever possible, program events, including the orientation sessions, monthly seminars and program retreat.

Clinical Mentors – The Clinical Mentor is selected based on complementary research interests between the trainee and the clinician. The Clinical Mentor meets regularly, either individually with the trainee, or jointly with the trainee and the Basic Science Mentor, to discuss ideas and strategies for incorporation of basic science and clinically relevant research within the trainee’s thesis project. The Clinical Mentor is also responsible for directing the trainee towards appropriate clinical conferences and seminars, as well as facilitating arrangement of clinical experiences. The Clinical Mentor also participates in program activities and frequently attends the trainee’s thesis or advisory committee meetings.