AOA Honor Medical Society elects VUSM student to board
Richard Latuska, a third-year student at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, was elected to the National Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Honor Medical Society as a student director.
Richard Latuska
He is one of three medical students on the national board.
The AOA, a professional medical organization founded in 1902, has elected more than 150,000 members.
“It is such an honor to represent Vanderbilt on this board,” Latuska said. “Serving on the board will provide me with a unique opportunity to meet faculty and students from other medical schools from across the country.
“It will be good to see how AOA works on other campuses and possibly apply some of the things I learn at Vanderbilt.”
Latuska will serve a three-year term. He is looking forward to participating in the selection process for awarding research grants and fellowships to medical students and residents.
The board of directors is tasked with developing society policies and programs, ratifying constitutional changes and directing funding mechanisms for the society.