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Visiting Student Observers (Unpaid)

For health care observations (shadowing) see VUMC Observational Experience (VOE)

The Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Observational Experience program allows students and working professionals to learn about careers in health care.


From the Office of the Provost of Vanderbilt University regarding observations in University Central Schools see Interns and Observers in University Central Schools


VUMC departments requesting research interns/student observers, should email



Visiting Student Observers in Research Laboratories are students from institutions outside of Vanderbilt who wish to observe research activities for purely educational purposes and are not being remunerated for this experience. The position is of a short duration, typically no longer than 8 weeks.

Please note that there are strict criteria governing the placement of visiting student observers in research laboratories. Observational experiences are approved only if they are for a legitimate educational experience.  Additionally, the experience is accepted only if the proposed activity is not one that would normally be performed by a regular employee.