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Prescription Opioid Epidemic and Infant Outcomes.


Patrick SW , Dudley J , Martin PR , Harrell FE , Warren MD , Hartmann KE , Ely EW , Grijalva CG , Cooper WO , . Pediatrics. 2015 4 13; ().
  • NIHMSID: 0376422


Although opioid pain relievers are commonly prescribed in pregnancy, their association with neonatal outcomes is poorly described. Our objectives were to identify neonatal complications associated with antenatal opioid pain reliever exposure and to establish predictors of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).

Although opioid pain relievers are commonly prescribed in pregnancy, their association with neonatal outcomes is poorly described. Our objectives were to identify neonatal complications associated with antenatal opioid pain reliever exposure and to establish predictors of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).
