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Risk of Hospital Readmission Among Infants With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.


Patrick SW , Burke JF , Biel TJ , Auger KA , Goyal NK , Cooper WO , . Hospital pediatrics. 2015 10 ; 5(10). 513-9
  • NIHMSID: 101585349


Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a postnatal drug withdrawal syndrome that may last for months. Our objective was to determine if infants with NAS are at increased risk for hospital readmission compared with uncomplicated term and late preterm newborns.

Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a postnatal drug withdrawal syndrome that may last for months. Our objective was to determine if infants with NAS are at increased risk for hospital readmission compared with uncomplicated term and late preterm newborns.
