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Extent of atypical hyperplasia stratifies breast cancer risk in 2 independent cohorts of women.


Degnim AC , Dupont WD , Radisky DC , Vierkant RA , Frank RD , Frost MH , Winham SJ , Sanders ME , Smith JR , Page DL , Hoskin TL , Vachon CM , Ghosh K , Hieken TJ , Denison LA , Carter JM , Hartmann LC , Visscher DW , . Cancer. 2016 6 28; ().
  • NIHMSID: 0374236


Women with atypical hyperplasia (AH) on breast biopsy have a substantially increased risk of breast cancer (BC). Here the BC risk for the extent and subtype of AH is reported for 2 separate cohorts.

Women with atypical hyperplasia (AH) on breast biopsy have a substantially increased risk of breast cancer (BC). Here the BC risk for the extent and subtype of AH is reported for 2 separate cohorts.
