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Simplification of the HOSPITAL score for predicting 30-day readmissions.


Aubert CE , Schnipper JL , Williams MV , Robinson EJ , Zimlichman E , Vasilevskis EE , Kripalani S , Metlay JP , Wallington T , Fletcher GS , Auerbach AD , Aujesky D , D Donzé J , . BMJ quality & safety. 2017 4 17; ().
  • NIHMSID: 101546984


The HOSPITAL score has been widely validated and accurately identifies high-risk patients who may mostly benefit from transition care interventions. Although this score is easy to use, it has the potential to be simplified without impacting its performance. We aimed to validate a simplified version of the HOSPITAL score for predicting patients likely to be readmitted.

The HOSPITAL score has been widely validated and accurately identifies high-risk patients who may mostly benefit from transition care interventions. Although this score is easy to use, it has the potential to be simplified without impacting its performance. We aimed to validate a simplified version of the HOSPITAL score for predicting patients likely to be readmitted.
