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Brightspace is Vanderbilt University's primary course management system, providing a core set of digital tools designed to support teaching and learning across campus. It is up to the individual course instructor to decide whether or not to use Brightspace in connection with his or her course.

The MPH staff will reach out to course instructors before the start of the academic term to help set up the Brightspace course site. We are happy to help post materials to the course site, and offer other Brightspace support throughout the course. 

The course site in Brightspace must be made visible to students before they can access course materials. All students registered for a course will automatically have access to the course site in Brightspace once the site has been made available/visible.

Known Issues for MPH users:

  • Many MPH course instructors and students have two VUnetIDs (one for VU and one for VUMC). All users must use their VUnetIDs to access Brightspace.
  • VUMC employees who are TAs for a VU course will need to take additional steps to access Brightspace.
    • Vanderbilt University requires that they complete the 15-minute online FERPA tutorial before they may log in to Brightspace. The course director or TA should email Annie for assistance before the start of the course.
  • In order to receive a VUnetID, you must request a dual idenity. This process may take up to 5 business days. Click here for more information. If you have any questions during this process, please email for assistance or click here.

Avoiding Copyright Issues:

Copyright protects a wide range of materials such as books, articles, photographs, paintings, music, sound recordings, websites, emails; copyright can apply to any original work of authorship that is fixed in any tangible means of expression. Works are automatically protected, no copyright notice is required. A copyright infringement may occur when you copy, display, perform, distribute or create a derivative version of a copyrightable work without the permission of the copyright holder.

In order to avoid unintentional copyright infringement cases, please use the resources available to the Vanderbilt University community as much as possible.