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Association between non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis and hyper reactive blood pressure response on the exercise treadmill test.


Laurinavicius AG , Bittencourt MS , Blaha MJ , Nary FC , Kashiwagi NM , ConceiƧao RD , Meneghelo RS , Prado RR , Carvalho JA , Nasir K , Blumenthal RS , Santos RD , . QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians. 2016 1 19; ().


Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (HS) is associated with hypertension and increased cardiovascular risk. While Blood pressure hyper-reactive response (HRR) during peak exercise indicates an increased risk of incident hypertension and increased cardiovascular risk, no data on the association of non-alcoholic HS and HRR exists. In this study, we have evaluated the association of HS with HRR.

Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (HS) is associated with hypertension and increased cardiovascular risk. While Blood pressure hyper-reactive response (HRR) during peak exercise indicates an increased risk of incident hypertension and increased cardiovascular risk, no data on the association of non-alcoholic HS and HRR exists. In this study, we have evaluated the association of HS with HRR.
