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Association of atrial fibrillation risk alleles and response to acute rate control therapy.


Barrett TW , Self WH , Darbar D , Jenkins CA , Wasserman BS , Kassim NA , Casner M , Shoemaker MB , . The American journal of emergency medicine. 2016 2 10; ().


Given the sparse evidence for selection of first-line therapy for acute atrial fibrillation (AF) based on clinical factors alone, incorporation of genotype data may improve the effectiveness of treatment algorithms and advance the understanding of interpatient heterogeneity. We tested whether candidate nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to AF physiologic responses are associated with ventricular rate control after intravenous diltiazem in the emergency department (ED).

Given the sparse evidence for selection of first-line therapy for acute atrial fibrillation (AF) based on clinical factors alone, incorporation of genotype data may improve the effectiveness of treatment algorithms and advance the understanding of interpatient heterogeneity. We tested whether candidate nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to AF physiologic responses are associated with ventricular rate control after intravenous diltiazem in the emergency department (ED).
