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Cardiorespiratory fitness and incident heart failure: The Henry Ford ExercIse Testing (FIT) Project.


Kupsky DF , Ahmed AM , Sakr S , Qureshi WT , Brawner CA , Blaha MJ , Ehrman JK , Keteyian SJ , Al-Mallah MH , . American heart journal. 2017 3 1; 185(). 35-42


Prior studies have demonstrated cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) to be a strong marker of cardiovascular health. However, there are limited data investigating the association between CRF and risk of progression to heart failure (HF). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between CRF and incident HF.

Prior studies have demonstrated cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) to be a strong marker of cardiovascular health. However, there are limited data investigating the association between CRF and risk of progression to heart failure (HF). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between CRF and incident HF.
