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Cigarette Smoking and Cardiovascular Events: Role of Inflammation and Subclinical Atherosclerosis: The Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.


McEvoy JW , Blaha MJ , DeFilippis AP , Lima JA , Bluemke DA , Hundley WG , Min JK , Shaw LJ , Lloyd-Jones DM , Barr RG , Budoff MJ , Blumenthal RS , Nasir K , . Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2015 1 8; ().


To examine the contemporary effect of smoking in a multiethnic sample, and to explore the respective contributions of inflammation and subclinical atherosclerosis to the cardiovascular consequences of smoking.

To examine the contemporary effect of smoking in a multiethnic sample, and to explore the respective contributions of inflammation and subclinical atherosclerosis to the cardiovascular consequences of smoking.
