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Low proportion of high school senior athletes receiving recommended immunizations.


Karpinos AR , Rizzone KH , Cribbs SP , Roumie CL , . The Physician and sportsmedicine. 2014 5 1; 42(2). 71-9


The preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) often serves as the only preventive health care visit for athletes, but immunization status is not uniformly addressed in such visits. Thus, athletes may not be receiving recommended immunizations. Our aim was to determine the proportion of high school senior athletes who received all recommended immunizations.

The preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) often serves as the only preventive health care visit for athletes, but immunization status is not uniformly addressed in such visits. Thus, athletes may not be receiving recommended immunizations. Our aim was to determine the proportion of high school senior athletes who received all recommended immunizations.
