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Minority Underrepresentation in Academia: Factors Impacting Careers of Surgery Residents.


Julien JS , Lang R , Brown TN , Aldrich MC , Deppen SA , Wu H , Feurer ID , Tarpley M , Hill G , Tarpley J , Beauchamp RD , Grogan EL , . Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities. 2014 12 1; 1(4). 238-246


Underrepresentation of minorities within academic surgery is an ever present problem with a profound impact on healthcare. The factors influencing surgery residents to pursue an academic career have yet to be formally investigated. We sought to elucidate these factors, with a focus on minority status.

Underrepresentation of minorities within academic surgery is an ever present problem with a profound impact on healthcare. The factors influencing surgery residents to pursue an academic career have yet to be formally investigated. We sought to elucidate these factors, with a focus on minority status.
