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Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Upper Airway-Related Dyspnea: A Systematic Review.


Noud M , Hovis K , Gelbard A , Sathe NA , Penson DF , Feurer ID , McPheeters ML , Francis DO , . JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery. 2017 6 8; ().
  • NIHMSID: 101589542


Patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures address the need for patient-centered data and are now used in diverse clinical, research, and policy pursuits. They are important in conditions causing upper airway-related dyspnea in which the patient’s reported experience and physiological data can be discrepant.

Patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures address the need for patient-centered data and are now used in diverse clinical, research, and policy pursuits. They are important in conditions causing upper airway-related dyspnea in which the patient’s reported experience and physiological data can be discrepant.
