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Potentially Avoidable Readmissions of Patients Discharged to Post-Acute Care: Perspectives of Hospital and Skilled Nursing Facility Staff.


Vasilevskis EE , Ouslander JG , Mixon AS , Bell SP , Jacobsen JM , Saraf AA , Markley D , Sponsler KC , Shutes J , Long EA , Kripalani S , Simmons SF , Schnelle JF , . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2016 12 16; ().
  • NIHMSID: 7503062


Hospital readmissions from skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) are common. Previous research has not examined how assessments of avoidable readmissions differ between hospital and SNF perspectives.

Hospital readmissions from skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) are common. Previous research has not examined how assessments of avoidable readmissions differ between hospital and SNF perspectives.
