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Racial variation in receipt of quality radiation therapy for prostate cancer.


Lee DJ , Zhao Z , Huang LC , Koyoma T , Resnick MJ , Penson DF , Barocas DA , Hoffman KE , . Cancer causes & control : CCC. 2018 8 11; ().
  • NIHMSID: 9100846


Racial disparities are apparent in the management and outcomes for prostate cancer; however, disparities in compliance to quality measures for radiation therapy for prostate cancer have not been previously studied. Therefore, the goal of the study was to characterize disparities in the compliance rates with quality measures.

Racial disparities are apparent in the management and outcomes for prostate cancer; however, disparities in compliance to quality measures for radiation therapy for prostate cancer have not been previously studied. Therefore, the goal of the study was to characterize disparities in the compliance rates with quality measures.
