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Respiratory Viral Detections During Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Periods in Young Andean Children.


Howard LM , Johnson M , Williams JV , Zhu Y , Gil AI , Edwards KM , Griffin MR , Lanata CF , Grijalva CG , , . The Pediatric infectious disease journal. 2015 6 26; ().
  • NIHMSID: 8701858


Viruses are commonly detected in children with acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) and in asymptomatic children. Longitudinal studies of viral detections during asymptomatic periods surrounding ARI could facilitate interpretation of viral detections but are currently scant.

Viruses are commonly detected in children with acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) and in asymptomatic children. Longitudinal studies of viral detections during asymptomatic periods surrounding ARI could facilitate interpretation of viral detections but are currently scant.
