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Role of Coronary Artery Calcium Score of Zero and Other Negative Risk Markers for Cardiovascular Disease: The Multi-Ethnic Study Of Atherosclerosis (MESA).


Blaha MJ , Cainzos-Achirica M , Greenland P , McEvoy JW , Blankstein R , Budoff MJ , Dardari Z , Sibley CT , Burke GL , Kronmal RA , Szklo M , Blumenthal RS , Nasir K , . Circulation. 2016 1 22; ().


-Limited attention has been paid to negative cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk markers despite their potential to improve medical decision-making. We compared thirteen negative risk markers using diagnostic likelihood ratios (DLR), which model the change in risk for an individual after the result of an additional test.

-Limited attention has been paid to negative cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk markers despite their potential to improve medical decision-making. We compared thirteen negative risk markers using diagnostic likelihood ratios (DLR), which model the change in risk for an individual after the result of an additional test.
