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The Effect of a Student-Run Free Clinic on Hospital Utilization


Trumbo SP , Schuering KM , Kallos JA , Baddour N , Rakhit S , Wang L , Fowler M , Vasilevskis EE , Miller RF , . Journal of health care for the poor and underserved. ; 29(2). 701-710


Student-run free clinics (SRFCs) serve uninsured patients and offer unique educational opportunities. However, the impact of these clinics on hospital utilization is unclear. In this pre-post observational study, we used multivariable modeling to test the hypothesis that patients of Shade Tree Clinic, the SRFC affiliated with Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), would have decreased hospital utilization after joining the clinic. To evaluate the relationship between STC and VUMC, we conducted a sub-analysis of patients referred to Shade Tree from VUMC using univariate Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Multivariable analysis showed patients were less likely to be hospitalized after joining Shade Tree (p=.04). Univariate analysis showed differences in hospitalizations among patients referred from VUMC (p=.02). These results suggest that Shade Tree does not result in an additional burden on the health care system and may reduce hospital utilization. Additional research with control populations may further highlight the effect of SRFCs on health care utilization.
