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Thoracic aortic calcium, cardiovascular disease events, and all-cause mortality in asymptomatic individuals with zero coronary calcium: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).


Kim J , Budoff MJ , Nasir K , Wong ND , Yeboah J , Al-Mallah MH , Shea S , Dardari ZA , Blumenthal RS , Blaha MJ , Cainzos-Achirica M , . Atherosclerosis. 2016 12 10; 257(). 1-8


TAC is associated with incident CVD and all-cause mortality. Nevertheless, the independent 10-year prognostic value of TAC in individuals with CAC = 0 beyond traditional risk factors is not well established.

TAC is associated with incident CVD and all-cause mortality. Nevertheless, the independent 10-year prognostic value of TAC in individuals with CAC = 0 beyond traditional risk factors is not well established.
