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What's the Evidence: Self-Assessment Implications for Life-Long Learning in Emergency Medicine.


Wolff M , Santen SA , Hopson LR , Hemphill RR , Farrell SE , . The Journal of emergency medicine. 2017 3 20; ().


The 2012 Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference, “Education Research in Emergency Medicine: Opportunities, Challenges, and Strategies for Success” noted that emergency medicine (EM) educators often rely on theory and tradition when molding their approaches to teaching and learning, and called on the EM education community to advance the teaching of our specialty through the performance and application of research in teaching and assessment methods, cognitive function, and the effects of education interventions.

The 2012 Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference, “Education Research in Emergency Medicine: Opportunities, Challenges, and Strategies for Success” noted that emergency medicine (EM) educators often rely on theory and tradition when molding their approaches to teaching and learning, and called on the EM education community to advance the teaching of our specialty through the performance and application of research in teaching and assessment methods, cognitive function, and the effects of education interventions.
