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Women's response to state-mandated language in dense breast notification


Spalluto LB , Roumie CL , Bonnett KR , Schlundt DG , DeBenedectis CM , Wilkins CH , . The breast journal. 2018 9 25; 24(6). 1046-1050


Many states require radiologists to notify women of dense breast status. Our aim was to elicit women’s response to state-mandated dense breast notification language. Of respondents, 82% report that current notification does not inform them of additional screening studies available, and 41% report notification does not inform them of next steps. Open-ended responses indicate three main areas of patient concern: Decisional Needs, Decision Quality, and Decision Support. We modified an existing Decision Support framework to capture additional themes specific to dense breast decisions. The developed framework can be used to revise and improve current breast density reporting methods.

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