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Vanderbilt MPH Program

Every gift to the Vanderbilt MPH Program fund supports MPH students’ tuition, practicum, and research expenses. This fund allows the most talented students to choose Vanderbilt for their public health training, and it gives them the necessary resources to become leaders and innovators in the field.

You can easily make your contribution to the Vanderbilt MPH Fund through any of the following giving options. On written forms or on your check, please write in “Master of Public Health (MPH Fund)” on the designation or memo line. On the phone, please ask for your gift to support the “MPH Fund.” Please contact our Gift and Donor Services Office with any questions at (800) 288-0082 or


Admission to the Vanderbilt MPH Program has become increasingly competitive. While the typical class size of the program has remained at about 30, the number of applicants has grown ten-fold, with 28 applicants in 2011 to almost 300 in 2020. We know that education decisions are often financial decisions. Your generosity provides:

  • Scholarships to attract outstanding and diverse students
  • Opportunities to advance knowledge in the public health sciences through research and discovery
  • Participation in developing and implementing public health programs and policies
  • Close to eighty percent of Vanderbilt MPH Program alumni remain in academic medicine or public health positions, as faculty (56%) or continuing training (12%) in academic medicine, or in federal, state, or local public health positions (10%). To view profiles of Vanderbilt MPH alumni, click here.
  • The past ten years of Vanderbilt MPH graduates have published over 3,000 original manuscripts, including 42 in The New England Journal of Medicine, 38 in JAMA, and 27 in The Lancet. Click here to view the full list of alumni publications.

These are just a few of the ways your gifts support the MPH program. Strong scholarship support allows for our graduates to make an impact in their careers. Eighty eight percent of MPH graduates remain in academic medicine or public health positions, as faculty (50%) or continuing training (18%) in academic medicine, or in federal, state, or local public health positions (20%). To view profiles of Vanderbilt MPH alumni, click here. Additionally, the past ten years of Vanderbilt MPH graduates have published over 3,000 original manuscripts, including high quality journals including: The New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and The Lancet. Click here to view the full list of alumni publications.

Contributions to the Vanderbilt MPH Scholarship Fund qualify donors for membership in the School of Medicine’s John E. Chapman, M.D. Society. The Chapman Society recognizes financial support to any area of the School of Medicine by those who make annual gifts of $2,500 and up. Alumni who received their degrees within the last 10 years are eligible for membership with a commitment of $1,000 annually. There are four recognition levels:

Member: $2,500 ($1,000 for Recent Graduates)

Benefactor: $5,000-$9,999

Dean’s List: $10,000-$24,999

Cornelius Vanderbilt: $25,000-$99,999

Lifetime: $100,000 and up