Ramakrishnan Apex Lecture Agenda

Apex Lecture: Venki Ramakrishan, “Why We Die”


3:00  Introduction, John Kuriyan, Dean, Basic Sciences, School of Medicine

3:05  Lecture, Venki Ramakrishnan: “Why We Die”

3:30  Graduate Student Panel Discussion with:

Ronan Bracken (J. Brown lab, Biochemistry)
Eric Donahue 
(K. Burkewitz lab, Cell and Developmental Biology)
Haswitha Sabbineni (N. Carrasco lab, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)
José Zepeda (B. Grueter lab, 

3:50  Audience Questions and Answers

4:00  Adjourn

A reception will immediately follow the lecture in Langford Lobby.

Pre-lecture music performed by Daniel Chioco.








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