School of Medicine Basic Sciences Staff Spotlight: Mary Gray Lindstrom

Headshot of Mary Gray LindstromThe School of Medicine Basic Sciences consists of a remarkable community that is dedicated to advancing the study of human biology, health, and disease. In addition to the award-winning faculty and students who are at the forefront of our cutting-edge research, a large part of our school’s success can be attributed to our staff.

Join us in recognizing and appreciating our staff members and the hard work they do to ensure exceptional exploration into basic biomedical science that takes place at our school.

We sat down with Mary Gray Lindstrom, ‪program manager for the career development ASPIRE program and the ASPIRE Path in Molecular Medicine in the Office of Biomedical Research and Training Education, who told us a little about herself.


What do you do for Basic Sciences?

As the program manager for the BRET career development ASPIRE program and the ASPIRE Path in Molecular Medicine, I support BRET-sponsored events including the Simple Beginnings Ph.D. Lab Coat Ceremony, the ASPIRE Career Symposium, and the Vanderbilt Integrated Training Alliance postdoc preview. Managing APMM includes event management and numerous administrative tasks to run the program!

How long have you been working for Vanderbilt?

I graduated from the University of Alabama in 2018 and immediately started a position with the College of Arts and Science. Shout out to Joe Rife from the Department of Classical and Mediterranean Studies for giving my 22-year-old self my first “real” job! I’ve been in my current position with Basic Sciences since December 2022.

Since I started working for the BRET Office, I’ve been truly so thankful for my team members, especially in the Career Development ASPIRE Program. I am grateful to be part of such an incredible group. I hope to continue to try to learn from them all!

Are there any upcoming events that you are looking forward to?

We are welcoming the new class of doctoral students in August. The annual Simple Beginnings Ph.D. Lab Coat Ceremony is such a fun way to celebrate with the students and parents.

What is your favorite project you completed during your time at Basic Sciences so far?

The 2024 ASPIRE Career Symposium! We invited 11 alums to share their career paths and network with the students.

What is a professional or personal achievement that you are most proud of?

Starting my role as a program manager in the BRET office was a big step in my career! I can’t say that without thanking everyone who trusted and helped me along the way at Vanderbilt.

What is a fun fact about you?

My double name comes from my grandmothers, as I’m named after them. Mary Neil Lindstrom and Wilma Gray Biggs. If you call me “Mary” and I don’t answer, I don’t realize you’re talking to me!

What activities to do you like to do outside of work?

Outside work, I like to go to concerts, try new restaurants, and check out the local estate sales.