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HGEN Oversight Committee

HGEN Oversight Committee.

The Oversight Committee members are selected based on leadership in genetics and genomics at Vanderbilt, scientific expertise, and familiarity with large, multi-component, interdisciplinary programs in research and training. Current members of the Oversight Committee include Drs. Samuels, Cox and Edwards, for their HGEN leadership roles, Bingshan Li, PhD, (teacher of the core HGEN 8331 course along with Dr Cox) and Quinn Wells, MD, PharmD, MSCI (for clinical expertise). This committee reviews overall program progress and scientific direction, providing input and recommendations to the directors. They meet formally (bi-annually) and ad-hoc (in person and via email) with Drs. Samuels and Cox to make decisions regarding (i) selection and reappointment of trainees to the training grant, (ii) trainee recruiting including issues involving diversity, (iii) issues affecting trainee research progress, (iv) curriculum adjustments, (v) appointment of new preceptors and the evaluation of existing preceptors, and (vi) evaluation of the overall progress of the training program.

The oversight committee carries out the phase I of the qualifying exam, (covering fundamental genetics knowledge), the review of trainees requesting a second year on this training grant, and the selection of new trainees to be supported by the training grant.  In these activities any oversight committee member who is a supervisor or secondary supervisor of a student abstains from decisions involving that student.