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Communication Policies

Email communications

All substantive email correspondence will occur between VGER and the PI for whom the service is being performed. Postdoctoral fellows, students, and staff, while they may be highly involved in the project, are not permitted to make key decisions on behalf of the PI.

Letters of support

Requests by PIs for letters of support should be directed to Jennifer Skelton, VGER manager. The minimal information required is the name of the PI, grant title, grant agency, and anticipated services.

Reporting follow-up results

Interim results of the analysis of mice obtained from this Resource must be reported back to resource personnel as promptly as possible. Failure to provide this information in a timely manner may result in the inadvertent loss of transgenic founder animals or additional mouse cage charges.

Post-project information requests

VGER may occasionally contact users for follow-up information such as publications.