Virtual ORCID Workshop for Researchers

The ORCID US Community Consortium, of which Vanderbilt is a member, is offering an ORCID Workshop for Researchers on Nov. 16. As many know, federal agencies and publishers increasingly ask for digital persistent identifiers like ORCID. The VU Libraries recommend this session if you do not already have an account.

Virtual ORCID Workshop for Researchers, Nov. 16

Who: Faculty, researchers, and students

When: Nov. 16, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. ET
Register: via Zoom

Why attend: Getting and using your free ORCID iD and ORCID record can help you save time and get credit for funding, publishing, and research reporting workflows. Funding organizations, publishers, and research institutions are increasingly requiring or asking for ORCID iDs from researchers, so this workshop will help you make sure you are ahead of the game.

This workshop will cover the following:

  • An overview of the benefits of ORCID for researchers
  • How ORCID can help you save time throughout the research landscape
  • Tips and tricks for keeping your ORCID record up to date