Research, News & Discoveries
Modulating Somatostatin in the Islet
Modulating Somatostatin in the Islet As the major hormone-producing cells of the pancreatic Islets of Langerhans, the insulin-secreting β-cells and glucagon-secreting α-cells are the primary modulators of glucose homeostasis. However, through the production of somatostatin, which suppresses the secretion of both insulin and glucagon, the δ-cells play an equally… Read MoreMar. 7, 2018
New endowed chair recipients honored
Nine Vanderbilt University faculty members named to endowed chairs were honored during a celebration at the Student Life Center on Feb. 28. Among them were Basic Sciences faculty Dai H. Chung (Carolyn Perot Rathjen Chair), Björn C. Knollmann (William Stokes Chair in Experimental Therapeutics), and Dan M. Roden, Sam L. Clark, M.D., Ph.D. Chair. Susan… Read MoreMar. 5, 2018
Path to Flavinylation
Flavin-containing cofactors play an important role in many enzymatic biochemical reactions that involve electron and/or group transfer. In some, but not all flavin-containing enzymes, the cofactor is covalently bound. This is not a trivial distinction, because covalent binding alters the redox potential of the flavin, a change frequently required… Read MoreFeb. 26, 2018
Targeting Topoisomerase II Inhibitors
Targeting Topoisomerase II Inhibitors Topoisomerases are critical enzymes during DNA replication and transcription, as they are responsible for untangling the knots and twists that can form as DNA is unwound and rewound during these processes. Type II topoisomerases accomplish this task by making a temporary double stranded break… Read MoreFeb. 26, 2018
Targeting Topoisomerase II Inhibitors
Targeting Topoisomerase II Inhibitors Topoisomerases are critical enzymes during DNA replication and transcription, as they are responsible for untangling the knots and twists that can form as DNA is unwound and rewound during these processes. Type II topoisomerases accomplish this task by making a temporary double stranded break… Read MoreFeb. 26, 2018
Rosenthal awarded Herty Medal for achievements in chemistry, STEM education
Sandra Rosenthal, the Jack and Pamela Egan Professor of Chemistry and director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, has been named the winner of this year’s Charles H. Herty Medal by the Georgia Section of the American Chemical Society. The award is given to recognize outstanding chemists in the… Read MoreFeb. 22, 2018
Brain Awareness events highlight mind’s wonders
Research on circadian rhythms, longevity and the brain’s pleasure system will be featured during this year’s Brain Awareness events sponsored by the Vanderbilt Brain Institute. The Vanderbilt Brain Institute’s Rebecca Ihrie, PhD, assistant professor of Cell and Developmental Biology and Neurological Surgery, has organized a course for this year’s Osher Lifelong… Read MoreFeb. 22, 2018
Linda Sealy receives 2018 AAAS Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement
Linda Sealy, associate dean for diversity, equity and inclusion for basic sciences in the School of Medicine, has been recognized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for her career-long commitment to increasing the number of underrepresented minority students in science and engineering doctoral programs. Sealy will be honored with the AAAS… Read MoreFeb. 15, 2018
Linking Cell Differentiation, Death, and Mitochondrial Function
Linking Cell Differentiation, Death, and Mitochondrial Function We are only now beginning to understand the complex regulatory processes that control the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), and we know even less about how the differentiation process alters the structure and function of cellular organelles. Of particular interest in… Read MoreFeb. 15, 2018
Lovly awarded funding for early lung cancer diagnosis research
Groundbreaking research into the early diagnosis of lung cancer and potential new treatments have been awarded funding through two lung cancer research-focused foundations. Lung Cancer Foundation of America (LCFA) and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) have partnered to fund the Lori Monroe Scholarship for Lung Cancer Research. These $200,000 grants support… Read MoreFeb. 8, 2018