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Share a File or Share a Link using Dropbox

Posted by on Friday, December 2, 2016 in Uncategorized .

There are two ways to give other people view-only access to files in your Dropbox: share a file or create a shared link.

  1. Share a file if you only want certain people to have access to your file.

Note: People you share a file with must have a Dropbox account. If you share a file to an email address not associated with a Dropbox account, then the person can create an account or use an existing account that's under a different email.

  1. Create a shared link if you want anyone to be able to click a link to access your file—people don't need a Dropbox account to view your file.

Regardless of which you use, people can:

  • View files

  • Comment on files

  • Download a copy of files

But, people can't edit the original files in your Dropbox.

For detailed instructions on how to share a file or create a link from any device, Click on the link below.

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