Beyond the Curriculum
Graduate education at Vanderbilt extends beyond the classroom and the lab to provide diverse opportunities for professional development and personal fun. As a leading collaborative research university we have countless opportunities for you to enhance your training, skills, and resume while continuing to make progress on your thesis work. Some examples are listed below.
- Biomedical Career Development: Vanderbilt is leading the charge to find novel ways to improve individual students’ professional development
- Core facilities: top-notch cores run by experts in the service ready to help you with your dissertation research
- Vanderbilt Program in Molecular Medicine: integrate your thesis work with clinical, disease-based training
- Academy of College Teaching: get experience and training from expert teachers
- Science Outreach program: share your passion for science with the community
- Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science:
- Discovery lecture series: seminars given to the Vanderbilt community by the best scientists in the world
- Journal clubs: countless interest-area journal clubs
- Departmental Seminars: learn about current science though numerous lectures given daily
- Special interest group meetings: connect with other researchers in your field of interest outside of your lab, perfect for finding collaborators
Other Organizations: this list not enough? Here’s more!
Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)
The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center (BCC)
Organization of Black Graduate and Professional Students (OBGAPS)
Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center
For International Students:
- English Language Center
- Vanderbilt International Researchers Alliance (VIRAL)
- Chinese Student and Scholar Association (VUCSSA)
The Graduate Student Council, and the BRET Graduate Programs’ Graduate Student Associations: