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2016 Biochemistry Department Retreat


1st Annual Biochemistry Department Retreat
Sponsored by the Biochemistry Student Association

The goal of this retreat is to learn more about the research that takes place throughout the Biochemistry Department!

See flyer.

Tuesday March 8, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Student Life Center Ballrooms A/B



Register Here by February 19th to give a 15-minute talk, present a poster, or to just attend!

(Lunch Provided)

The link we have provided above will allow you to register and to submit an abstract ONLY after you select your year of training. Graduate students and post-docs are eligible to present, so after you select your role, new fields will appear that will allow you to submit an abstract for either a poster or an oral presentation. PIs will not have those fields available.

Schedule of Events

8:30-9:00        Registration

9:00-9:15        Opening remarks by Dr. York

9:15-10:35      Kristy Stengel – Post-doc, Scott Hiebert Lab
“Hdac3 is Required for B Cell Development and Regulated Transcriptional
Programs Driving Terminal B Cell Differentiation”

                        F. Edward Hickman – Graduate Student, Bruce D. Carter Lab
“Loss of Jedi-1 Results in Increased Proliferation of Neural Precursor Cells in vitro

Emily Hodges – Principal Investigator
“An Epigenomics Perspective on DNA Sequence Variation and Disease”

 Kevin Johnson – Post-doc, F. Peter Guengerich Lab
“Cytochrome P450 27C1 Catalyzes the Desaturation of Retinol to 3,4-

10:35-10:45     Short Break

10:45-12:05     William Martin – Graduate Student, Nicholas Reiter Lab
“ncRNA and Epigentics: The Regulation of a Histone Demethylase by Structured

Boone Prentice – Post-doc, Richard Caprioli Lab
“Differential Lipid and Protein Distributions in Normal and Type I Diabetic Human
Pancreata Revealed by Tissue Imaging Mass Spectrometry”

Elizabeth Gibson – Graduate Student, Neil Osheroff Lab
“Characterization of ‘Mycobacterium Gyrase Inhibitors’ (MGIs): A Novel Class of
Gyrase Poisons”

James Galligan – Post-doc, Lawrence J. Marnett Lab
“Histones are Targets for Modification by Glucose-Derived Methylglyoxal”

12:05-1:05        Lunch

1:05-2:45         Jonathan Schlebach – Post-doc, Charles R. Sanders Lab
“Elucidation of Bottlenecks in the Cellular Quality Control Pathway of Peripheral
Myelin Protein 22”

Manuel Ascano – Principal Investigator
“Small Molecule Modulation of the DNA Sensor Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase and its
Implication in Autoimmunity and Cancers”

Parimal Samir – Post-doc, Andrew J. Link Lab
“Systems Analysis of Skeletal Muscles from Myotonic Dystrophy Patients and
Healthy Individuals Reveals Key Differentially Regulated Proteins and Pathways”

Tim Shaver – Graduate Student, Jennifer A. – Pietenpol Lab
Diverse, Biologically Relevant, and Targetable Gene Rearrangements in Triple-
Negative Breast Cancer and Other Malignancies”

Benjamin Gilston – Post-doc, Walter Chazin Lab
Fragment-based Discovery of RAGE Inhibitors”

2:45-3:45           Poster Session

3:45-3:55           Short Break

3:55-4:30           Leon W. Cunningham Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Award Presentations
and Talks

4:30                   Social Hour at Biochemistry Break Room with Qdoba



Click here to view 2016 BSA Symposium abstracts.

Poster & Oral Presentation Award Winners

Poster Winners: Clayton Marshall, Johanna Schafer, Kami Bhat, Lorena Infante,
Carl Sedgeman, Orrette Wauchope, Alex Trevisan, Yan Su, Jeannie Camarillo, Eric Gonzalez


Oral Presentation Winners: Jonathan Schlebach, James Galligan, Kristy Stengel, Elizabeth Gibson, Tim Shaver


Leon W. Cunningham Award Winners



Leon W. Cunningham Award for Excellence in Biochemistry:  Lisa Poole







Leon W. Cunningham Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow Award:  Elwood Mullins





