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2017 Biochemistry Department Retreat


2nd Annual Biochemistry Department Retreat
Sponsored by the Biochemistry Student Association

The goal of this retreat is to learn more about the research that takes place throughout the Biochemistry Department!

January 31 & February 1st
Student Life Center Board of Trustees Room


Retreat Feedback

We’d love it if you could fill out our survey whether you attended or not. We’d like to get feedback on what you enjoyed, what we could improve, or why you chose not to attend.


Schedule of Events

Tuesday, January 31

1:00-2:00        Poster Setup & Registration

2:00-2:20        Yi Ren, Faculty
“Structural analysis of helicase-mediated remodeling of nuclear mRNP prior to
nuclear export”

2:20-2:40       Elwood Mullins, Post-doc, Brandt Eichman Lab
“Time-resolved molecular snapshots reveal an unprecedented mechanism for
recognition and removal of damaged bases in DNA”

2:40-3:00        Romell Gletten, Graduate Student, Kevin Schey Lab
“The Structure and Function of Aquaporin 5 in Ocular Lens Fiber Cells”

3:00-3:10        Coffee Break

3:10-3:30        Yan Su, Post-doc, Fred Guengerich Lab
“Ribonucleotide Incorporation by Human DNA Polymerase eta”

3:30-3:50        Manny Ascano, Faculty
“VIR-CLASP reveals unexpected interactions between host-encoded pioneer
RNA-binding proteins and the pre-replicated RNA genomes of Chikungunya
and Zika viruses”

3:50-6:00        Posters / Wine & Cheese

Wednesday, February 1

8:30-9:00        Breakfast / Registration

9:00-9:20        Keenan Taylor, Post-doc, Chuck Sanders Lab
“Precision Medicine and the Potassium Channel KCNQ1”

9:20-9:40        Aaron Fidler, Graduate Student, Billy Hudson Lab
“Collagen IV and the evolutionary dawn of metazoan tissues”

9:40-10:00      Kareem Mohni, Post-doc, David Cortez Lab 
“HMCES is a DNA repair or tolerance protein required for error free repair”

10:00-10:20    Lauren Jackson, Faculty
“High-resolution crystal structures of the tepsin ENTH and VHS domains”

10:20-10:30    Coffee Break

10:30-10:50    Kelly Barnett, Graduate Student, Emily Hodges Lab
“Genomic Methods for Studying Epigenetic and Activity Dynamics at
Enhancers During Early Cell Fate Specification”

10:50-11:10    Jeff Spraggins, Faculty, Richard Caprioli Lab
“Pulling data out of the noise: Maximizing sensitivity of molecular imaging
experiments through gas phase fractionation and enrichment”

11:10-11:30    Boone Prentice, Post-doc, Richard Caprioli Lab
“The Effect of Metal Content on the Extent of Calprotectin Oligomerization as
Revealed by Native Mass Spectrometry”

11:30-1:30      Lunch & Poster Session

1:30-1:50        Adrian Olivares, Faculty
“Direction matters: Mechanical protein destruction by AAA+ proteases”

1:50-2:10        Johanna Schafer, Graduate Student, Jennifer Pietenpol Lab
“Mechanisms of Bromodomain and Extra-Terminal motif inhibitor (BETi)
sensitivity in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)”

2:10-2:30        Carl Sedgeman, Graduate Student, Fred Guengerich Lab
“Formation of N6-Deoxyadenosinyl-glutathione and Replication Past the
Adduct by Translesion DNA Polymerases”

2:30-2:40        Coffee Break

2:40-3:10        Cunningham Award Talk

3:10-3:40        Busenlehner Award Talk

3:40-3:50        Coffee Break

3:50-4:10        Shilpa Sampathi, Post-doc, Scott Hiebert Lab
“High resolution mapping of RNA polymerase dynamics upon inhibition of
CDKs in t(8;21) AML”

4:10-4:30        James Dewar, Faculty
“The termination of DNA replication.”

4:30-4:50        Rose Follis, Graduate Student, Bruce Carter Lab
“A role for NF-kB in demyelinating neuropathies”

4:50-5:10        Kristy Stengel, Post-doc, Scott Hiebert Lab
“HDAC3 is required for FOXO1 activity in germinal centers and B cell

5:10-5:30        Break / Walk to Banquet & Awards at University Club

5:30-7:30        Dinner at University Club

6:20                Announce Talk & Poster Winners

Award Winners

Leon Cunningham Award: Thomas Bass, graduate student in the Dave Cortez lab.
Laura Busenlehner Award: Rachel Ashley, graduate student in the Neil Osheroff lab.
Best graduate student talk: Kelly Barnett
Best post-doc talk: Keenan Taylor
Best graduate student poster: Kami Bhat
Best post-doc poster: Clayton Marshall
Honorable mention graduate student talk: Johanna Schafer
Honorable mention post-doc talk: Kristy Stengel
Honorable mention graduate student poster: Meredith Frazier
Honorable mention post-doc poster: Orrette Wauchope