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Armstrong Mentoring Award

Established in 2016, this award is granted to a Vanderbilt Biochemistry-affiliated faculty member whose commitment and excellence in student or post-doctoral training is exemplary. Named in honor of the late Dr. Richard Armstrong, Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry at Vanderbilt University and Foreign Adjunct Professor at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. The research of Dr. Armstrong focused on how enzymes detoxify foreign molecules through a multipronged chemical, structural, and molecular approach. As Editor of the journal Biochemistry, Richard fostered the dissemination of shared scientific knowledge. His work as a teacher, scholar, and advisor were instrumental in expertly guiding students though the rigors of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He emphasized fundamentals through his numerous lectures and selflessly served the Biochemistry community through teaching, committee membership, grant reviews, and participation in professional societies. Winners will be determined via appointed selection committee. Past awardees have presented a Frontiers in Biochemistry Seminar, incorporating topics of mentorship. The Richard Armstrong Mentoring Award comes with Departmental recognition, a commemorative plaque, name added to a Departmental perpetual plaque, and a $2500 cash award courtesy of the Richard Armstrong Fund.