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Applying to the Biochemistry Graduate Program

Students enter the Biochemistry graduate program following admission into the Integrated Graduate Program (IGP), the Quantitative and Chemical Biology Graduate (QCB) Program, or the MSTP program.

Visit the Biomedical Research Education and Training Website for more information.

Graduate and Professional Student Housing

Construction will begin on Vanderbilt University’s housing development for graduate and professional students during the week of April 26, 2021. Adjacent to campus on Broadway, between Lyle and 20th avenues, the development is the culmination of student feedback and the university’s desire to provide graduate and professional students housing near campus at below-market rates. The building is expected to house students for the 2023–24 academic year. Read all about it here.

BRET Satellite Clinic

The first of its kind, the Vanderbilt Basic Sciences and the University Counseling Center have collaborated to create the BRET Satellite Clinic. This new Satellite Clinic will provide counseling services specifically to graduate students in biomedical research and will be located in much closer proximity to the biomedical research buildings than the current UCC location on the other side of camp. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the UCC’s BRET Satellite Clinic will be offered Mondays through Thursdays through Telehealth Zoom. Services will be available 2-5 pm. More information about the BRET Satellite Clinic will be made available on the BRET website soon, as well as an introductory meeting with Dr. Silver, the primary provider for the BRET Satellite Clinic.

Student Travel Guidelines

In order to facilitate student travel, the BRET office has developed guidelines to help students navigate the process of planning a trip and getting reimbursed for the expenses associated with the travel.  View details here.

Dr. Roger Chalkley Critical Need Fund

In recognition of Roger Chalkley, retired senior associate dean for biomedical research education and training, Dr. Tom Daniel, a former Vanderbilt professor, biotechnology R&D leader, and venture investor, has established the Dr. Roger Chalkley Critical Need Fund to support biomedical graduate students who encounter unanticipated financial challenges. Examples of what the fund will support include, but are not limited to:

  • Travel funds for family emergencies
  • Unexpected major car repairs
  • Unexpected healthcare costs not covered by health insurance.
  • Temporary housing assistance in the event of a natural disaster.

Read more about this fund here and/or apply to it here.