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CDB Destination Postdoc Award

Goal:  To give PIs an additional mechanism to recruit outstanding candidates, we plan to award 2-3 of these per year (assuming there are sufficient applications):

The CDB Destination Scholar award

Primary CDB faculty who are interviewing an outstanding candidate can nominate the candidate for this award at the time of interviews. All postdoctoral fellows are eligible (US citizenship or permanent residency is not required). The nomination packet should include the candidate’s NIH biosketch (or equivalent format if international), a reference letter from the prior mentor, and 2 paragraphs from the CDB PI highlighting: (1) the candidate’s potential for contributions to science; and (2) the mentorship plan.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and the review committee members will commit to making a rapid review decision (ideally, within 2 weeks). The award includes an upfront one-time award of $3000, which can be used at the Scholar’s discretion for relocation expenses, computer purchases, or other needs. The Scholar will also receive $3000 per year during year 1 and year 2 – this is intended to support early attendance at national or international meetings, but can be used for other purposes if a brief justification from the Scholar is sent to the review committee.