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Grant Information

VGER description

VGER is a fee-for-service Shared Resource that supports the generation and use of genetically-altered mice at Vanderbilt. It designs and performs CRISPR gene editing, embryo microinjections, and founder mouse screening and breeding. It also provides state-of-the-art cryopreservation, cryostorage, and rederivation services. The resource is staffed by personnel with many years of experience and maintains high-tech microinjection systems, incubators, and cryostorage equipment to perform these services in an efficient, reliable and cost-efficient manner.

VGER facilities information

Vanderbilt Genome Editing Resource (VGER) is located in Medical Research Building IV, and has procedure rooms in both the Medical Center North and Preston Research Building vivariums. VGER is equipped with microscopes, embryo microinjection systems, incubators, liquid nitrogen storage tanks, a controlled slow-rate freezer, and complete molecular biology and cell culture laboratories. It provides a wide range of services that enable the generation of gene-altered mice and human-induced pluripotent cell lines. This includes support in the design and execution of CRISPR-mediated gene editing, embryo microinjections, embryo electroporations, and founder animal screening and breeding. It also provides state-of-the-art cryopreservation, cryostorage, and rederivation services, and maintains the Vanderbilt Cryopreserved Mouse Repository (VCMR).

Letter of support

Requests by PIs for letters of support for grant applicatons should be directed to Jennifer Skelton (, VGER manager. The minimal information required is the name of the PI, grant title, grant agency, and anticipated services.