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Foxd3 and Pax3 are important early regulators

Jan. 12, 2011—Cardiac neural crest development requires genetic interaction between the transcription factors Foxd3 and Pax3 Abstract The transcription factors Foxd3 and Pax3 are important early regulators of neural crest (NC) progenitor cell properties. Homozygous mutations of Pax3 or a homozygous NC-specific deletion of Foxd3 cause marked defects in most NC derivatives, but neither loss of both...

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Labosky named to direct Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Jan. 12, 2011—Labosky named to direct Office of Postdoctoral Affairs BY: BILL SNYDER 1/06/2011 – Patricia Labosky, Ph.D., associate professor of Cell & Developmental Biology and of Pharmacology, has been named director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Patricia Labosky, Ph.D. Labosky succeeds Ann Richmond, Ph.D., professor and vice chair of Cancer Biology,...

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Cdc14B phosphatase contributes to ciliogenesis in zebrafish

Jan. 12, 2011—Cdc14B phosphatase contributes to ciliogenesis in zebrafish Development. 2011 Jan;138(2):291-302. Clément A, Solnica-Krezel L, Gould KL. Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Abstract Progression through the cell cycle relies on oscillation of cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) activity. One mechanism for downregulating Cdk signaling is to activate...

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Proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrix regulates left-right asymmetry in Xenopus

Jan. 12, 2011—Rapid differential transport of Nodal and Lefty on sulfated proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrix regulates left-right asymmetry in Xenopus Lindsay Marjoram and Christopher Wright Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Program in Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical School, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. Author for correspondence ( Summary The spatiotemporally dynamic distribution of instructive ligands within embryonic tissue,...

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Gαo represses insulin secretion by reducing vesicular docking in pancreatic beta-cells

Nov. 9, 2010—Gαo represses insulin secretion by reducing vesicular docking in pancreatic beta-cells. Zhao A, Ohara-Imaizumi M, Brissova M, Benninger RK, Xu Y, Hao Y, Abramowitz J, Boulay G, Powers AC, Piston D, Jiang M, Nagamatsu S, Birnbaumer L, Gu G. Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville,Tennessee, USA. Abstract OBJECTIVE: Pertussis toxin...

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Small-molecule inhibition of Wnt signaling through activation of casein kinase

Nov. 8, 2010—Small-molecule inhibition of Wnt signaling through activation of casein kinase 1α   Curtis A Thorne, Alison J Hanson, Judsen Schneider, Emilios Tahinci,  Darren Orton, Christopher S Cselenyi, Kristin K Jernigan, Kelly C Meyers,  Brian I Hang, Alex G Waterson, Kwangho Kim, Bruce Melancon, Victor P Ghidu, Gary A Sulikowski, Bonnie LaFleur, Adrian Salic, Laura A...

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Selective distribution of deubiquitinating enzymes

Oct. 4, 2010—A Global Census of Fission Yeast Deubiquitinating Enzyme Localization and Interaction Networks Reveals Distinct Compartmentalization Profiles and Overlapping Functions in Endocytosis and Polarity Ilektra Kouranti1,2, Janel R. McLean1,2, Anna Feoktistova1,2, Ping Liang1,2, Alyssa E. Johnson1,2, Rachel H. Roberts-Galbraith1,2, Kathleen L. Gould1,2* 1 Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee,...

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F-BAR protein regulation

Oct. 4, 2010—Dephosphorylation of F-BAR protein Cdc15 modulates its conformation and stimulates its scaffolding activity at the cell division site. Roberts-Galbraith RH, Ohi MD, Ballif BA, Chen JS, McLeod I, McDonald WH, Gygi SP, Yates JR 3rd, Gould KL. Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN...

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Structural organization of the functional domains of Clostridium difficile toxins

Sep. 21, 2010—Structural organization of the functional domains of Clostridium difficile toxins A and B Rory N. Pruitta, Melissa G. Chambersb, Kenneth K.-S. Ngc, Melanie D. Ohib,1, and D. Borden Lacya,d,1 + Author Affiliations Departments of aMicrobiology and Immunology, bCell and Developmental Biology, and dBiochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN 37232; and cDepartment of Biological...

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A nematode model of nociceptor morphogenesis

Sep. 21, 2010—Time-lapse imaging and cell-specific expression profiling reveal dynamic branching and molecular determinants of a multi-dendritic nociceptor in C. elegans. Smith CJ, Watson JD, Spencer WC, O'Brien T, Cha B, Albeg A, Treinin M, Miller DM 3rd. Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232-8240, USA. Abstract Nociceptive neurons innervate the skin with...

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Coenzyme Q protects neurons from degeneration

Sep. 21, 2010—Coenzyme Q protects Caenorhabditis elegans GABA neurons from calcium-dependent degeneration. Earls LR, Hacker ML, Watson JD, Miller DM 3rd. Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232-8240, USA. Abstract Mitochondria are key regulators of cell viability and provide essential functions that protect against neurodegenerative disease. To develop a model for mitochondrial-dependent neurodegeneration...

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Andrea Page-McCaw

Jun. 24, 2010—On July 1 this year Associate Professor Andrea Page–McCaw will join us. Andrea studies protease-mediated cell signaling and tissue remodeling in Drosophila, and comes to us from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in NY. Andrea’s lab and office will be located in 4124 MRB III. Research Interests Protease-mediated cell-cell signaling and tissue remodeling in Drosophila During...

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Notch Signaling regulates formation of the three-dimensional architecture

May. 18, 2010—Notch signaling regulates formation of the three-dimensional architecture of intrahepatic bile ducts in mice Erin E. Sparks 1, Kari A. Huppert 1, Melanie A. Brown 1, M. Kay Washington 2, Stacey S. Huppert 1 * 1Department of Cell and Developmental Biology and Center for Stem Cell Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 2Department of...

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Heterotrimeric G proteins and beta-catenin/TCF signaling

May. 13, 2010—Sci. Signal., 11 May 2010 Vol. 3, Issue 121, p. ra37 [DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.2000647] RESEARCH Gβ Activates GSK3 to Promote LRP6-Mediated β-Catenin Transcriptional Activity Kristin K. Jernigan1*, Christopher S. Cselenyi1*, Curtis A. Thorne1, Alison J. Hanson1, Emilios Tahinci1, Nicole Hajicek2,3, William M. Oldham4, Laura A. Lee1, Heidi E. Hamm4, John R. Hepler5, Tohru Kozasa2,3, Maurine E....

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Transventricular delivery of Sonic hedgehog

May. 7, 2010—Transventricular delivery of Sonic hedgehog is essential to cerebellar ventricular zone development Xi Huanga, Jiang Liua, Tatiana Ketovaa, Jonathan T. Fleminga, Vandana K. Groverb, Michael K. Cooperb, Ying Litingtunga, and Chin Chianga,1 + Author Affiliations Departments of aCell and Developmental Biology and bNeurology, Center for Molecular Neuroscience, Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center,...

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