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Vanderbilt MSTP well-represented at AAP/ASCI/APSA joint meeting

Posted by on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 in MSTP Workshop News .

Vanderbilt MSTP well represented at AAP/ASCI/APSA joint meeting

Six Vanderbilt MSTP students (Daniel Kashima (G4), Rachana Haliyur (G3), Katherine Konvinse (G2), Merla Huber (G4), Laura Armstrong (G5), and Andrew Hale (M2)) attended the AAP/ASCI/APSA joint meeting at the Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park in Chicago, Illinois from April 21st-23rd. The meeting was filled with keynote lectures by the “Who’s Who” of physician-scientists including Solomon Snyder, Eric Kandel, Robert Lefkowitz, Joe Goldstein & Michael Brown, as well as our own James Crowe. The conference provided a unique opportunity for trainees to mingle with the senior physician-scientists in between delivering poster presentations and enjoying the beautiful city of Chicago. It was also an opportunity to celebrate Dr. Kim Rathmell’s election to the ASCI leadership, and we congratulate her on this outstanding achievement. To celebrate, the Vanderbilt MSTP and University of North Carolina MSTP enjoyed a dinner together with great food, beverages and conversation (see group photo). We hope to continue the strong Vanderbilt MSTP presence at the joint meeting for years to come!