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Alumni Corner – August 2017

Posted by on Monday, August 28, 2017 in Alumni .

Stay up-to-date with the professional and personal accomplishments of our Vanderbilt MSTP Alumni!

Jason Metcalf and family copy.jpg

Jason Metcalf (’16) and his wife, Elise Pfaltzgraff (’15 PhD in Cell & Dev. Biology), recently adopted a newborn baby girl, Eleanor, born June 28, 2017. Jason is currently a Pediatric Resident at the University of Michigan, and Elise is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan. Congratulations, Dr. Metcalf, Dr. Pfaltzgraff, and Eleanor!


Aaron Hata (’07), who is currently an Instructor in Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, received a Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Clinical Scientist Development Award. Read more about the award here. Congratulations, Dr. Hata!


Alumni: If you have an item you’d like to contribute to Alumni Corner please let us know! Your submission might include a professional award, promotion, high profile publication from your lab, a talk at a conference or personal accomplishments such as an engagement or marriage, birth of a new baby, or anything else you wish to share with us. Please submit a photo and caption here.