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Life in the MSTP – May 2018

Posted by on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 in Life in the MSTP .

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Congratulations to Carter and Alex Sundermann (G3) on the birth of their baby girl, Emery Clare, born on May 22, 2018 weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz.!

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Maggie Grau (M1) and Matthew McBride married in their hometown of Chardon, Ohio on April 28. The MSTP M1s joined them to celebrate!


On Tuesday, May 29 the Vanderbilt MSTP celebrated “halftime” with our G2 students!





The MSTP Wellness Committee hosted the Second Annual Ice Cream Social on Thursday, May 17. Ben & Jerry’s served 92 ice cream sundaes!


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On Saturday, May 19, Vanderbilt MSTP students staffed Shade Tree Clinic, VUSM’s student-run free clinic for the uninsured. A special thank you to our three MD/PhD attendings who helped out on “MSTP Day”: Drs. John Stafford, Patrick Hu, and Sally York!

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Friends from the MSTP and medical school gathered together to enjoy some breakfast food and break a fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan with Ayesha Muhammad (M2) (not pictured). To find out more about Ramadan, click here.