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We’re all #MSTPstars: A running list of achievements in MSTP students’ ongoing quest to be adult humans!

Posted by on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 in Life in the MSTP .

Dearest readership,

While we know that you anxiously wait for the “Awards and Honors” and “Life in the MSTP” sections of our blog every month, we admit that in our desire to shamelessly promote some of the inspiring work of our brilliant colleagues (that’s you!), we have done you a disservice. Of course, first author publications, successful grant applications, engagements, weddings, and newborns are something to be proud of, but we feel that we are missing some of our greatest accomplishments. Sometimes we move our laundry to the dryer (or even fold it) the very same day we put it in the washing machine. Other times, we count lots and lots and lots and lots of cells – really, there are so many of them! Some of us consistently remember where we left our car keys, find the time to shave, or have the superhuman willpower to watch only one episode of a television show on Netflix. Many of us have friends who we make time to see, make detailed schedules to plan our reading and writing activities during the week (some of us even keep to them some of the time), and enjoy the wonderful indoor and outdoor activities that Nashville has to offer.

In this spirit, we are pleased to launch a new segment of the “Life in the MSTP” section. #MSTPstar will feature a selection of some of amazing things we do in our real lives: finding new/enjoying old study spots, making time to purchase groceries so our bodies can make ATP, and remembering where we saved that paper that we wanted to read. You can submit your feats on Twitter — tag @VanderbiltMSTP with the hashtag #MSTPstar — and via this Google form and we will pick a few to share monthly. We also encourage you to nominate your classmates for their triumphs in adulting by snagging a picture, perhaps without telling them (we won’t share it without their consent, we’re not terrible people). To get this thing started, we have shared a few of the fantastically wonderful normal things we did this month.

With the kindest of regards,
Your MSTP Communications Committee


  • Danny Sack (G1) wore clothes that could not be confused for pajamas in public. 
  • Maggie Axelrod (G2) ran her flow cytometry…and then analyzed it on the same day.
  • Ayesha Muhammed (G1) managed to limit herself to only half a serving of ice cream for dessert.
  • Rachel Brown (G2) explained MSTP training to her best friend from high school (again). Maybe it will make sense next time.
  • Congratulations to all of the now-G1s who survived studying for and taking USMLE Step 1!
  • Submit your #MSTPstar here!