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Flexner Deans’ Lecture Series Student Lecture: Pedro Teixeira, PhD

Posted by on Thursday, March 28, 2019 in Honors and Awards, Student Spotlight .

by Danny Sack (G1)

On Friday, March 22nd, Pedro Teixeira, PhD, presented a Flexner Deans’ Lecture on, “Lessons From Launching a Startup to Bring Artificial Intelligence to the Bedside (and write your notes)”. As we’ve reported in the past, Teixeira and his partners, Drs. Ravi Atreya and Michael Poku, have spent the past few years leveraging their bioinformatics and medical knowledge to bring artificial intelligence to daily medical practice. Teixeira walked through how although lots of data are entered into the electronic medical record, most of them are difficult to access to improve population health and quality of clinic services. He credited many resources, such as the free Startup School through Y combinator, that allowed PredictionHealth to intentionally evaluate, iterate, and then improve their product. After thousands of hours of work from the PredictionHealth team, they recently implemented their system through at a family practice clinic, where physicians spent two fewer hours documenting per day which resulted in more face-to-face time with patients.