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Inaugural MSTP Student Committee Leadership Summit

Posted by on Thursday, October 31, 2019 in MSTP Workshop News .

by Kelsey McNew (G3)


The MSTP Leadership Team, along with SAC Chair Kelsey McNew (G3) and Chair-Elect Maxwell Roeske (G2), held the inaugural Student Leadership Summit on September 27th, 2019. The chairs of all 15 MSTP committees got together to discuss how to better integrate the work done by their committees with the mission and goals of the MSTP.

Dr. Williams has asked committee leaders to think about how to increase leadership development, diversity and inclusion, service engagement, and student wellness in their programming. The committee leaders responded to this initiative by brainstorming ways to increase intra-MSTP connectivity, which culminated in the implementation of several class assignments. Mini-MSTP spots will be filled first by the G1 and G3 classes, and each graduate class will be assigned a day to walk candidates during the interview season.

Additionally, we discussed the formation of a new MSTP Mentoring Committee, comprised of one member from each class. Starting at Retreat 2020, the rising M2 class will elect a member of their class to be “Mentoring Chair”, and that student will be responsible for making sure inter-class mentoring events happen each year for the rest of their time in the program. Thank you to all involved for taking an afternoon to discuss how to create the change we wanted to see in the MSTP!