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Honors and Awards – November 2019

Posted by on Monday, November 25, 2019 in Honors and Awards .


Kevin Manz (G4) successfully defended his thesis titled “Microcircuit mechanisms regulating nucleus accumbens circuit function” completed in the lab of Dr. Brad Grueter through the Neurosceicne Graduate Program! Congratulations, Dr. Manz!

Dan Roden, M.D. (Sutherland Advising College Leader; PI to Ayesha Muhammad) was honored as the recipient of the 2019 Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein Prize in Cardiovascular Sciences. Recipients of the prize have made extraordinary and sustained leadership contributions to improving health care. Read more here!

The Kidney Cancer Association recognized W. Kimryn Rathmell, MD, PhD, (Avery-Cohen Advising College Leader; PI to Aaron Lim and Brad Reinfeld) with its top honor, the Eugene P. Schonfeld Award. Click here to read more.