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MSTP Anti-racism, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement

Posted by on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 in Antiracism Diversity and Inclusion, Uncategorized .

Last fall the MSTP Anti-racism, Diversity, and Inclusion (ADI) Council was established to work towards promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging, and justice in our program. The council is co-led by MSTP Leadership Team members Dr. Lourdes Estrada and Dr. Megan Williams and student members include Samantha Beik (G3), Xavier Bledsoe (G1), Benjamin Fowler (G3), Candace Grisham (M2), Jooeun Jay Kang (G3), Ansley Kunnath (M2), Danny Sack (G3), and Ariel Thorson (M1). The ADI council recently finalized a statement addressing the mission and values of the council and MSTP as a whole and is excited to share that statement with our community. The ADI council will hold a series of Town Halls for our students to give suggestions and feedback on programming as we continue to cultivate the culture of our MSTP community where everyone is visible, valued, and validated. These town halls will occur on April 1 at 5:00pm (students only) and April 15 at 6:00pm (with MSTP Leadership Team).