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MSTPals 4Lyfe: G3 Memories from the Past Four Years

Posted by on Thursday, July 29, 2021 in Life in the MSTP .

by MSTP G3 Class (compiled by Nowrin Chowdhury)

In June 2017, our class came together for the first time. In May of 2021, we watched as most of our classmates went onto residencies to continue their training as doctors. Although it is tough to say goodbye, through these past four years we’ve forged bonds with our MSTP family that have given us all a myriad of great memories and a lot of love. We have celebrated birthdays, holidays, engagements, weddings, and babies, and more importantly, we have gotten each other through some of the toughest times in our lives. As we passed the halfway point of our training, we each took a few moments to reflect on some of our favorite memories with each other and look forward to the memories we will continue to make together in the program and for the rest of our lives.

Maggie McBride:
Awkwardly looking for PDX patients with Leon
Alissa’s Christmas parties
Meetings of the MSTPets
Everyone throwing us a wedding shower and actually coming to our wedding even though it was in northeast Ohio
Road tripping to Michael’s wedding
Game nights at Alex’s
Nowrin’s food
Being considered the same person as Natalie by patients and attendings at Shade Tree
Having a baby who will have her own cohort of MSTPals!



Leon Cai:
GoT cakes and watch parties
Maggie’s wedding, Michael’s wedding!
Just food, so much food; typically eaten in a group setting
Moving days!
Cuddle puddles
Andrew being great with toddlers
Nashville FC
Lights festival
Sushi runs



Camille Wang:
MSTP House celebrations – Eid, Game of Thrones, game night, babies’ first playdate
Watching Nick and Josh’s backyard evolve over the pandemic
Getting our hair done by Nick who got a degree from Youtube University
All the pets!!
Retreat and wedding and cadaver ball shenanigans
Collectively teaching Nowrin how to swim and drive (it takes a village)
Graham’s dancing, and drinks at his place
Festivals, music, baseball at our first summer here together
QDP post Step
When the pals came to my improv show



Andrew Boal:
Being the face of the MSTP website for 4 years and counting
Post-exam all you can eat sushi
Going to everyone’s wedding
“Study” brews
Excessive group hugs
“Pretty good” food with pretty great friends
Winning sexiest Halloween costume as Bob Ross
Being free labor for moving and Nick’s yard work
Elaborate Game of Thrones watch parties
Teaching Nowrin basic life skills
Hiking trips!
Having friends who will drop everything to help you when you really need it



Nowrin Chowdhury:
All you can eat sushi after exams and the subsequent naps
The MSTP front row during first year
Nick and Zack rapping to Nicki Minaj on Nick’s rooftop after we all consumed ridiculous amounts of grilled food
Exploring Nashville with the pals!
Lunches at the Vandy caf (and all of the “Lunch?” Texts in the groupme)
Spontaneous hangs and planned parties
All of the animals and children
Harry Potter and Game of Thrones parties
Game nights and always dominating trivia
Kickboxing together and then forcing all of our friends to kickbox
Constantly showing our continuous support both professionally and personally
Having a wonderfully large, a little insane, and always entertaining and loving MSTP family that makes Nashville feel like home




Natalie Bennett:
Celebrating all of the MSTP weddings, babies, birthdays, and life events
The rotating Game of Thrones watch parties, Alissa’s Harry Potter parties, Alex’s game nights
Getting through Step with the best study group
Kickboxing (to cope with said Step studying)
Making it through 5 am surgery day start times with Nowrin on our very last rotation
The best moving crew helping with a stuck U-Haul emergency
Making so many memories with the best MSTP family I could ever ask for



Nick Petersen:
Eating our weight in sushi after every M1 and shelf exam because it was all you can eat and we have no shame.
Study days by the pool at my old apartment complex (RIP <3)
Making insane cakes for random events (Game of Thrones watch parties, Harry Potter Party)
Being our class’s unofficial hair-colorist
Moving days! Always exhausting, but always fun
All the home-cooked meals shared with the MSTPals.
Having friends that will legitimately do heavy manual labor in my yard when I ask for help
Backyard hangs and doggy playdates
Making memories with the crazy ass family I never knew I needed.




Graham Johnson:
Weddings, babies, parties, rigor, drive, connection.
Unclear how we became the old MSTPs, but I definitely do not feel like a young MSTP anymore. We’ve been through a lot together and I look forward to more.



Zack Williams:
Sushi after every exam for the first two years because why not
Fireworks on the 4th of July right before the beginning of M1
Graham’s gimlets at retreat (I don’t remember much after that)
Someone asking where the lunch crew is hanging out every single day of M1/M2
Weddings, parties, engagements and baby showers
Zack and Zsanett making the front page of the Chardon newspaper
Nowrin deciding that she wants to feed a village and having literally everyone over
Interactions between MSTPs and the pets/children of other MSTPs


Juan Colazo:
Being the face of the MSTP and school of medicine website for 4 years and counting (copy catted Andrew ;))
Fireworks on the 4th of July right before the beginning of M1 and walking all the way back from Broadway
Graham’s retreat gimlets (drinks) and learning dancing skills from him
CBL studying together for every block
Bringing Zoe (my puppy) to parties and dressing her up as a skeleton for Halloween
Dancing with everyone during Cadaver ball
Asking Zack about stats help all the time LOL



Alex Silver:
Hike to Cummins Falls during M1
Watching a solar eclipse on Alumni Lawn
Doing blinded hot sauce spice ranking for Zack’s birthday
Watching Game of Thrones
Exploring Nashville
Light the Nations street festival
Post-exam sushi
All the time I got to spend with my MSTP friends (family, at this point)