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Honors and Awards – May 2022

Posted by on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 in Honors and Awards .

The G4 class celebrated their halfway milestone that was postponed 2 years due to COVID, with a Six/Sevenths celebration! A large portion of the class has already returned to medical school after defending their theses.


Congratulations Stephanie Cajigas (G2) and Matt O’Neil (G2) on being awarded F30 NRSA Training Fellowships!


Simone Herzberg (G2) and Dr. Rachel Brown (M4) both received P.E.O. Scholar Awards! The P.E.O. Scholar Awards are one-time, competitive, merit-based awards intended to recognize and encourage academic excellence and achievement by women in doctoral-level programs, and P.E.O. Scholars have demonstrated their ability to make significant contributions in their chosen field of study.

Dr. Maggie Axelrod (M4) received the Lai Sulin Scholarship which recognizes excellence in research by a Vanderbilt University Ph.D. student in an area related to cancer.