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Life in the MSTP – February 2023

Posted by on Monday, February 27, 2023 in Life in the MSTP .


Connor Beebout (M4) and his wife Alex (postdoc) welcomed their new son Aaron into the world on January 28!


Zachary Ewell (M1), played Toccata and Fugue in D minor, often referred to as “Dorian,” by Johann Sebastian Bach, on the organ for the BRET 2022 Winter Showcase.


Recently the M1 and M4 classes got together for the annual M1-M4 party where the M4s impart their wisdom from MSTP training on the M1s. However, it may be the M1s who taught the M4s a thing or two about social media and BeReal.


A bunch of G-phase students attended the US Women’s National Team Soccer game in Nashville.


One of the Avery-Cohen College families got together for a family dinner!